County extension offices offer soil test kits if you aren't sure what the pH is. Try to shield the plant from cold wind by keeping it away from open windows. Cold water will shock the plant, so make sure it's lukewarm. The Dracaena Corn Plant is a slow growing, sometimes flowering, shrub which is wildly popular as a houseplant. Infestations usually occur in the summer, when the mites suck the juices from the plant leaves, leaving behind marks of discoloration. It wasnât until the early 1900s that the corn plant made a name for itself in the United States, but it rapidly gained support thanks to how easy it is to grow and care for, along with its tall and elegant style. Do not overwater, as it may cause root rot. Alternatively, a horticultural oil may help to rid the corn plant of the infestation, or an insecticide. Buying Dracaena. What Are the Pests & Diseases of a Dracaena Fragrans Massangeana? Simply prop your cane back in an upright position, and pack soil around its base to keep it stable. The most commonly known Dracaena in western society is the massangena variety, which is known for the yellow-lime green colored stripe that runs down the center of each dark green leaf. Native to Upper Guinea in Africa, the corn plant originates from a tropical climate, where it grows in humid forests. Dracaena fragrans, or corn plant. However, the corn plant is especially good for improving air quality, as it also absorbs toxins. This could be caused by a buildup of salt in the soil, which is a result of salt deposits in the water. Corn plants react slowly, so you will need to continue this for several weeks to know if the fluoride is an issue. Corn plant tolerates full to low light, but performs best in light shade o⦠To propagate your corn plant, wait until springtime to take your cutting. Family: Asparagaceae Common Name: Corn Plant, Dragon Tree Botanical Name: Dracaena deremensis, Dracaena steudneri, Dracaena marginata, Dracaena fragrans (see below for available varieties) There are approximately 120 species of Dracaena trees and shrubs. Feed every two weeks in spring and summer with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. University of Vermont: Dracaena fragrans "Massangeana", International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology: Fluoride Removal from Water by Various Techniques: Review, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension: Cultural Guidelines for Commercial Production of Interiorscape Dracaena. Distilled water can be used instead of reverse-osmosis water as it also contains little to no fluoride. Humidity will be created around the plant as the water evaporates. There are tons of different Dracaena species and man-made cultivars out there to collect. If this isn't possible and the plant receives lots of direct bright light, it would benefit from a specialized fertilizer to prevent chlorosis and bleached looking leaves. The slow growth also means it will act as an ornament in your home, happily filling a space where it can remain for some time without becoming too big for the area. Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana' needs slightly acidic soil that drains well to thrive. In warmer months, keep the plant out of windows that get direct sunlight where it may become too hot. All of the Dracaena plant varieties can be collectively referred to as corn plants, all growing upright on thick branches, with leaves sprouting from the stems in a manner reminiscent of corn. Native to tropical Africa, dracaena corn plant wont survive frosty weather, although it is suitable for growing outdoors in the warm climates of USDA plant hardiness zones 10 through 12. Cut between two and five inches from a healthy stem that has buds, with a sharp knife or shears. You can easily maintain a healthy plant by lightly misting the leaves with a water spray to increase humidity, or place the plant pot on a tray filled with pebbles and water. To identify a spider mite infestation, look for the white eggs, which are usually laid near the veins of the plant. Dracaena Corn Plant - Tips For Dracaena Fragrans Growing & Care by Max - last update on October 28, 2019, 11:17 pm The scientific name for the corn plant is Dracaena fragrans, which is the true corn plant in its native and original form, with solid dark green leaves. Give the corn plant a thorough watering after planting it. The âtrueâ corn plant, Dracaena fragrans, has solid green leaves and is often found growing surrounded by taller vegetation, which provides it with shade. Adjust your watering habits to help the situation improve. This post shares all about dracaena care, specifically about growing dracaena indoors! Hereâs how to double-check that your plant has been getting too much water and care for it so the leaves turn back green again. Also called mass cane, this slow-growing plant is easy to care for and adapts well to a variety of conditions. Introducing a natural predator which is harmless to plants can help to control scale, such as ladybugs or parasitic wasps; however, this isn't always a suitable treatment for houseplants. Botanical Name: Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana' Corn plant care is easy, making it an ideal house plant. If you keep your plant inside in front of a western-facing window, it should have curtains or blinds to filter the light. If it isn't dry, leave it for another day or two and re-check the soil before adding more water. Bodine is passionate about gardening, travel, education and finance. In strong light, you may need to water it more frequently, but only ever enough to moisten the soil. Depending on the level of light your corn plant receives, you will likely only need to water it every week or two. Plant the cutting into a new pot with new soil, making sure the buds remain above soil level. That's because Dracaenas are very sensitive to fluoride, which perlite and superphosphate contain. Before watering, dip your finger around one inch into the soil of your plant, and if it's dry then, you can water it. Water the cutting immediately and continue to care for it as necessary. 'Massangeana' plants suffering from fluoride toxicity may have brown spots on the leaves, ringed in yellow. The corn plant is inexpensive and easily attainable. The ideal temperature range is 60°C to 75°F (15°C â 24°C). This dracaena is especially popular because of its long, graceful, green leaves that have a yellow and light green stripe running down the ⦠Before spotting mealy bugs on your corn plant, you may first notice a sticky residue on the leaves of your plant. Corn plants are easy to care for and prefer a light-handed approach. Dracaena is a family of roughly 120 different species of plants. The corn plant is tolerant of most lighting conditions, and can, therefore, be suited to any number of places in your home. Thrips pierce the leaves and suck out the liquids from inside the plant cells, sometimes leaving behind a nasty black residue on the leaves. As well as being slow growing, this plant is also slow to react. It gets its name from the highly fragrant flowers it produces, which open after dark. Water the Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana' plant with the fluoride-free water once per week until the soil is soaked but not sopping wet. To identify an infestation of mealy bugs, look for white fuzzy looking insects. If this is the case, either trim the roots back to restrict further growth, or move the plant into a larger pot. Prune this episode #2: Kathryn demonstrates how to prune a common house plant known as Dracaena Massangeana or the Corn Plant Dracaena plants are easy to grow and resilient. Water the plant when the soil is partially dry. This plant does just fine without fertilizer, but if you believe the plant needs a boost of nutrients, then only fertilize once a year. The Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana' plant, also known as the corn plant, is made up of shiny green leaves that have a yellow streak running down the center of the leaves. It's good for you too, because it naturally cleans the air. An ideal spot for the cornstalk dracaena is one that's bright without being in direct sunlight, which can scorch leaves. This is because the original plant will be in its growing season, and the cutting will, therefore, continue to grow. The leaves will scorch if too bright and if it's too dark the new leaves will be quite small and the stripe (s) may look quite different to those found on the older ones. (University of Florida- Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences). However, it will fare perfectly well in homes with moderate humidity. The scientific name for the corn plant is Dracaena fragrans, which is the true corn plant in its native and original form, with solid dark green leaves. Corn plants are sensitive to the chemicals in most fertilizers, so if you regularly fertilize your corn plant and the leaves have started to turn yellow or brown, then you should discontinue your fertilizer regime with immediate effect. The corn plant is slow growing, so it does not need frequent pruning or maintenance. The stalks on old corn plants can get overgrown and wild looking if they are not kept under control. Yellowing leaves could also be the result of old age. While these plants can be grown inside or outdoors, the majority of them are grown indoors. The dracaena corn plant (dracaena massangeana), like all dracaenas, is tolerant of lower light, missed waterings, and general neglect. Corn plants in low lit areas will grow more slowly, and the colors of the leaves will become less vibrant; in some cases, the yellow stripe becoming almost imperceptible. Change the soil in the pot of your purchased corn plant if it isn't well-draining organic soil with a pH range of 6.0 to 6.5. The corn plant thrives in high humidity, though winter is often a time of low humidity in homes, due to indoor heating or naturally low temperatures. Wrinkled stalks are an indication that your plant is thirsty and has been severely under watered, while rotten stalks indicate the opposite; the plant has been overwatered. As long as the damage is not too severe, you can reverse the problem by carrying out a better watering regime. Alternatively, use a curtain to help filter the light and lower the temperature. Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana' needs slightly acidic soil that drains well to thrive. Watering too frequently can lead to root rot. This plant as requires medium light. This is one of the best house plants for removing indoor air toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia, xylene and toluene. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. The corn plant is quite hardy, making it easy to look after for almost anyone. Dracaena corn plants (Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana') belong within the family Agavaceae. Corn plants are also sensitive to fluoride, which is found in tap water. Hardy in USDA Zones 10 to 12, corn plants can take light shade or indirect sunlight. The corn plant is an ideal plant to propagate because achieving successful shoots is usually easy and doesnât cause any issues. Dracaena corn plant has also been recognized by NASAs Clean Air Study as a plant that aids in removal of indoor pollutants, including xylene, toluene and formaldehyde. If you suspect your leaves are suffering from a toxicity problem, then water your plant with rainwater or bottled water instead and see if that makes a difference. And, use room-temperature or warm water as cold water can damage these sensitive tropical plants. If you suspect this is a possibility, add more soil to the pot. Always allow the top soil to dry out before watering. The whole thing is completely downloadable on your computer so you can start learning about Dracaena care in just a few moments entirely at my risk. To increase your chances of success, you could also use rooting hormone on the cutting; however, this isn't essential. They donât have special requirements when it comes to ⦠Most of the species are native to Africa, but it can also be found in Asia and northern Australia and two species are even found in South America. The dracaena corn plant (botanical name: dracaena fragrans massangeana) is a well known indoor plant which is grown in many homes and offices within the US, UK and Europe. Remember to also keep the temperature steady during winter, ideally above 60°F, and certainly not below 55°F. To eradicate spider mites, spray the leaves extensively with running water, or use miticides in more severe cases. Discolored leaves can also be a sign of toxicity. The name Dracaena is derived from the ancient Greek word for female dragon called δÏάκαινα, drakaina.. It can be commonly found at garden nurseries and plant stores at very reasonable prices compared with other houseplants of its size. Dracaena plants grow best in average humidity and a temperature range of 60°F to 75°F (15°C â 24°C). Due to its tropical nature, the corn plant enjoys high humidity. Dracaena corn plant prefers temperatures between 65 and 70 F. (16-24 C.). If your corn plant does recover after switching to bottled water or rainwater, continue this program to maintain the health of the corn plant. She has received awards for being a top content producer. Then, place the plant into a larger pot that will allow it more space to grow over the coming year, and pour fresh potting soil around the base. The corn plant should be repotted annually to maintain high levels of health. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. They attack the plant by sucking the sap from the leaves, resulting in a weak plant that sometimes completely stops growing. Whether your favorite is Marginata, Massangenana, Fragrans, or possibly Deremensis, each will give you a hefty return for ⦠The soil should be allowed to dry out between each watering. For this reason, some suggest not using any fertilizer at all, as it can cause more harm than good, and generally, corn plants do very well with just water alone. The corn plant goes by many names, and all them are part of the Dracaena family of plants â all typical with the same growing and care requirements. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. The plant was first introduced to Europe in the 1700s, where it became popular as a houseplant. If the tips of your corn plant are suffering from discoloration, trim the ends or remove the entire leaf to encourage new healthy growth. How to Care for Dracaena Fragrans â Overview To care for the corn plant grow it in loose, moist potting soil that has good drainage. If youâd like to have this flower in your home as well, then follow our tips and find out more about care for dracaena. Mist your corn plant once per day with a spray bottle that has been filled with water; corn plants require a humid environment because they are tropical. If you notice these signs, water your plants with water that has gone through filtration with reverse-osmosis. To repot the plant, lift it from its current container and remove the surrounding soil, taking extra care not to disturb the roots. Dracaena Plant: Best Types, How to Grow and Care By Hazelle C. / Plants / updated August 30, 2020 From Corn Plant to Lucky Bamboo, and even your favorite Snake Plant, Dracaena has always been a mainstay to most ornamental house plant collections due to its sculptural strap-like foliage that gives a bold but inviting accent to any space. If this doesn't work, your infestation may be more serious and will require the use of insecticides to treat properly. When the corn plant is in an environment which is too hot for it, the leaves may curl inwards on themselves, or the leaves may start to point towards more shaded areas. Watch for spider mites, mealybugs and scales, which are common pests of the Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana' plant. Corn plants that are overwatered or under watered will display their distress in the form of brown or yellow leaves. Corn plants do not take well to excess fluoride or baron, both of which are found in fertilizers, hence, fertilizing could cause leaves to brown. You need to keep this plant away from direct sunlight, as it can do a lot of damage within a fairly short amount of time. Plant 'Massangeana' in pots with drainage holes indoors to prevent root rot. Appropriate fertilization is also a part of how to care for a dracaena. Requiring low light and moderate watering, Corn Plant houseplants are easy to care for and make beautiful additions to any home. In most cases, the yellow or brown spots are noticed before any physical indications of the spider mites are seen. Reduce fertilization to once a month during fall. It requires very little attention, yet it is highly rewarding. As dracaena is a very beautiful plant, it requires proper care and attention. Some people also have success with neem oil. Avoid using soil mixes that contain a large amount of perlite or fertilizers containing superphosphate with these plants. Mealy bugs gather on the underside of leaves and stems, attacking the plant and causing loss of leaves and stunted growth. Fill the container with an indoor potting mix, and place the plant so the root ball lies an inch below the container's top edge. Don't pack the new soil in too tightly, as compressed soil won't allow for good drainage. 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